As a group, we have introduced ‘Active Tigers’ into our Taekwon-Do programme. Active Tigers is designed specifically to allow students aged 5-8 years to develop their Taekwon-Do skills at a more age-specific pace.

It will also allow children to progress through the grading system in a more ‘Bite-sized’ fashion, while our more formal Taekwon-Do classes and the ‘White Suit’ which goes with it, is something for students to aspire to as their skill level increases.

Our aim is to allow younger children to see real rewards for their hard work and further support each students self-confidence. It is not the suit, but the belt which signifies the students rank, therefore white Taekwon-Do dobok’s or black Active Tiger suits can be worn, however the black suit further emphasises the idea of progression in our youngest students.

The skill and theory required to achieve a Yellow Belt in Taekwon-Do will now be broken down into five ‘Bite Size’ sections and each assigned to a different stripe. When grading within Active Tigers, students can ‘Double Grade’ however they must have achieved the skill level required to do this; your instructor will decide this at the time of gradings. Students will grade within the usual system using a special Active Tigers grading form.

If you have any questions about Active Tigers or indeed any aspect of Taekwon-Do please ask you class instructor or call

Leo Maguire on 07891191494.